From Tiny, Old Backyard Studio to Pink Gym!

our origin story

Humble Beginnings

It all Started in a Tiny, Old Backyard Studio

Pink Gym started as a tiny, private gym in my parents’ backyard when I became a certified personal trainer. I started off training women in this tiny, private gym with ancient equipment. It was an old and tiny gym, but my clients loved it! Word quickly got around town about it and my clientele grew very quickly.

All of my lady clients would tell me the same thing – they loved it because they didn’t want to workout around men. And many of them had other gym fears and anxieties too, such as not understanding fitness equipment and not knowing how to workout. It quickly became crystal clear that we needed a ladies-only gym which caters to ladies’ unique needs and desires and eliminates all of the fears and anxieties that ladies have with gyms!

She Believed

Two Years Later

The Concept was Born

Within two years, I set out to open my first ladies-only gym! I wanted it to be something special that ladies would really love.

I also wanted to make it results-oriented, but I wanted it to be very different from every other gym with a strong appeal to women’s feminine senses.  It needed to look fabulous with a feminine, chic decor and a pink-themed color scheme.

It needed to smell great.  And it needed to be pumped full of fun, energetic music that women love!

Taking the idea of a ladies-only gym further, I set out to create the ultimate feminine fitness environment that would change ladies’ ideas of a what a gym for ladies can be and what it should be.

I wanted to provide maximum results and effectiveness for women by being the only gym which tailors EVERYTHING to women’s unique needs.

Equipment made to fit a woman’s smaller hand and body size, a group heart rate monitoring system that uses heart rate formulas designed for the unique physiology of a woman’s body, and more.

I also set out to use state-of-the-art technologies and proven, cutting-edge, scientific techniques to provide the most effective results with simple, easy-to-use systems that allow all ladies to be able to achieve and exceed their goals.

6 Months Later

Pink Gym Opened

So I went for it and opened my first ladies-only gym! I originally opened it under the same business name I had been using for my personal training business – Custom Fit By Nicki.

I planned to eventually rename it, but I had not yet decided on a new name when I first opened the doors. But being pink themed, it instantly became referred to by everyone as “the pink gym”…and voila – PINK GYM!

It’s the new pink standard for fitness, health and wellness for ladies. And we’re always innovating to make it even better!

5 Years Later

Pink Gym 2.0!

After 5 years, the gym had become so beloved by our community that we had outgrown our facility. We were busting at the seams! So when the perfect location became available right in the middle of downtown on the square…I bought it!

It just so happened that our move occurred right at the same time that the coronavirus pandemic struck the world and the government forced us to temporarily close the gym. So we tried to have some fun with it by planning to keep the new facility a secret and moving covertly under the cover of darkness while the gym was closed. We wanted to give our fabulous community of ladies a big, fun surprise! But our secret surprise was quickly discovered and word of our new gym facility spread like wildfire. The cat was out of the bag! Everybody was excited!

Moving the gym was a big undertaking! We just barely got everything moved and up and running in the new gym just in the nick of time to be able to re-open on Monday, May 4, 2020 – the day when Governor Asa Hutchinson gave gyms in Arkansas the go ahead to finally re-open after being forced to closed for almost 2 months.

We continue to be a thriving and growing community of happy, healthy ladies. Now we’re ushering in a new 2020 decade with a bigger, better new gym facility for all of our wonderful ladies to enjoy. Come experience this next chapter being written in the Pink Gym story!

Founder of Pink Gym

I strive each day to create a very friendly, supportive, and intimidation-free environment where every lady feels extremely comfortable and happy while also making sure she knows how to get the results she wants. What our wonderful sisterhood does here is not just life-changing, it's fun!

Join Our Happy Community

look sexy. feel energetic. get strong.

take your first step now

make the impossible possible.

24/7/365 Access & Security

The Pink Gym never closes! The gym's entry doors are securely locked at all times for your protection, but your membership Mobile Pass unlocks the main entry door to give you access to the gym facility 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year (for adult dues paying members). However, the gym is not staffed 24/7.

there is a new TOY AT THE PINK GYM

3D Laser
Body Scanner!

be the first to try it